Is Bullying A Mental Disorder (Mental Health Discussion)


Bullying behaviors that pose a risk to one’s physical, mental, or social safety may involve acts of harassment, threats of exclusion, and physical or verbal assault. Bullies may have different motivations than others, but they still share certain traits in common. Some bullies do it due to the fact that they believe it will help them achieve their goals, whereas other individuals bully simply because they are incredibly unhappy, insecure, and have low self-esteem. Because of these factors, a question pops up for many people: “Is bullying a mental disorder?” Regardless, bullying is never appropriate, no matter what the reason or the setting.

Harassment (in-person or online harassment) and bullying are two different things. Any unwanted behavior that violates, degrades, or threatens a person is considered harassment. Even though it is sometimes a component of bullying, harassment can also occur between strangers or be a one-time dispute. It is not bullying if these behaviors are only displayed once. No matter how improper, actions involving disputes between equals do not qualify as bullying. Bullying cannot be defined solely by its actions.

Threats, negative remarks, and social exclusion are common tools used by bullies to damage and put off people. Such actions could be motivated by enthusiasm, a sense of helplessness, insecurity, or a craving for dominance. The repercussions on sufferers can be severe and even life-threatening, regardless of the cause.

Why Do People Bully?

There has been a tradition of unfortunate victims and individuals who experienced bullying then chose to act like bullies. Some factors lead somebody on whether to bully an individual and behave in such a harsh and persistent way when doing so. Undoubtedly, a decrease in in-person social engagement and a mental health condition has been linked to low empathic action.




The lack of close parental involvement or supervision and the desire to gain popularity through bullying and other negative behaviors people think others in their social circle would find interesting are further contributing factors. Bullying may occasionally be a sign of one’s social standing. Popular individuals often foster relational hostility by teasing their less well-known peers. These popular people can additionally participate in slut-shaming, rumors, and social exclusion against others.

In the meantime, those who want attention may turn to bullying to move up the social ladder at school or work or acquire some social authority among other individuals. They may also intimidate others to lower someone else’s social standing.


Bullying often occurs among those who crave power or authority. This is because they find getting power in social situations more alluring since they lack it in their individual lives. These people would rather deal with others only when it suits them. They turn to bullying if things and circumstances don’t go their way. To gain dominance, they frequently engage in relational aggression, sometimes known as a “mean girl” attitude.

When they hurt others, abusers feel strong and all-mighty. Any time, a bully can use different tormenting strategies to swiftly and easily inflict immense pain and agony on others without much thought given to the repercussions. They do not care as long as they think they are in control of the situation.


When bored and seeking amusement, some people occasionally turn to bullying to spice up their lives with chaos and excitement. Additionally, if their parents don’t provide enough attention or supervision, they may bully others non-stop. Bullying turns into a way for these people to obtain attention and cause power imbalance. It has been shown that how the brain processes pain varies in those with bullying problems and in neurotypical people.

In the meantime, individuals who lack remorse or empathy frequently take pleasure in hurting, offending, and humiliating the sentiments of others. They may find painful “jokes” humorous in addition to enjoying the feeling of power they obtain via tormenting others.

Peer Pressure

Bullying occurs when some individuals go against their self-interest in order to get along with a group. A lot of the time, these individuals are more anxious about being liked and blending in that they embrace bullying’s effects. Being a part of a structure that already exists typically requires these people to act or look a certain way.

Bullying can sometimes occur when someone just follows the pack, doesn’t complain about the action, and does not think differently. Bullying among peers might be caused by a person’s fear of rejection or of being the next person to be bullied.


After experiencing bullying, especially when they were children, certain people search for measures to get even or take vengeance. These individuals are frequently called “bully victims,” and because they have also experienced harassment and suffering, they frequently believe that their behavior is acceptable. They could feel vindicated and relieved after what they, especially as a child, went through when they hurt individuals they respect. These people occasionally pick on those who are weaker or perhaps more susceptible than them. They may even pursue the bully act in other instances where they pretend to be the victim while acting out as a bully.

While they may not physically harm others in some instances, some individuals with this bullying condition will exhibit a violent obsession. Emotional recovery may be delayed, and bad feelings may be retained. Pursuing vengeance can strain one’s social bonds and frequently result in a greater sense of loneliness and isolation. This is often the case when they experience negative things at a young age then bring this feeling of vengeance into adulthood.

Problems at Home

Since violence and aggressive behavior are modeled for them, people from abusive families are more prone to bullying. Individuals with irresponsible or absent parents may engage in bullying. They feel empowered and in charge, which they lack in their lives when they feel they cannot trust any parent. This may also be the case when witnessing bullying is just a daily thing at home. Furthermore, these people with poor self-worth may bully to mask their low self-esteem. Bullies often struggle to find their place at home and take out the emotional strain on others.

Bullying among siblings can also result in bullying at school or at work. A smaller sibling feels helpless when their elder brother or sister mocks and torments them. Or a high-ranking clerk bullies the lower-ranked ones. They bully others in an attempt to reclaim their occasional sense of authority, which they do not usually experience in any available settings.



According to certain studies, abusers who use bullying are a result of their issues with psychiatric conditions and psychological and emotional well-being. Some see the act as helpful since it allows them to deal with their lack of self-worth. They believe it is going to make them more acceptable to their friends. The power-hungry do it for their ego and harass other people.

Bullies occasionally have gloomy futures of their own, regardless of the causes. People who harass, intimidate, or humiliate others are more inclined to substance use and take drugs or alcohol excessively, get into arguments, commit crimes, quit or drop out of school, or harm their families or romantic partners.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, the effects of bullying on mental health are far-reaching. How does bullying affect mental health? Bullying can cause depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders.

The answers and remedies to every kind of bullying incidence must also be unique due to their distinct reasons. Regretfully, when it comes to bullying, there is no “one size fits all” solution.

However, some things can be done to help overcome bullying experiences.

Talking To A School Official: It is not a good idea to keep school administrators unaware of bullying incidents because they only occur on school property. It could be challenging to talk to another person at school, but when you do, you might appreciate the support system. Since schools have strong anti-bullying and cyberbullying rules, they have policies to deal with the toxic act.

Confide In Parents Or Trusted Friends: Talk to your parents, family members, or other trusted people about your bullying experience. Feeling supported will help you prevent you from feeling isolated. Spend some time discussing any issues you are having, both within and outside of school, over a meal with your loved ones. Talk openly and honestly about how you feel about the instances of bullying that you have encountered.

Report It On Social Media: Social media platforms have rigorous policies about the kinds of interactions and information sharing permitted in their system. By reporting the perpetrator to the website, you might get them blocked and cut off from communication. Bullying is still bullying that frequently violates and breaks the terms of service. Therefore, report incidents of cyberbullying to the administrators of the app or website when you experience one.

Ignore The Bully: The best way to act with a bully is to never engage with them; try as much as you can to avoid getting near them or causing any interaction with them. The more you show them that you do not want to be part of their antics, the more you’ll find ways to distance yourself from their toxic behaviors. 

Seek Police Help: Every act of bullying varies in severity. Reporting bullying to the authorities in your neighborhood is another option if it involves any possible danger of physical harm. Long-lasting consequences may result from bullying, and repairing the harm done may require more than your supportive words and guidance if the abuse has been very severe.

In Conclusion

Keep in mind that it just takes a tiny step to escalate from harmless jokes to a full-fledged onslaught of bullying. The absence of in-person communication combined with the sense of authority that comes from the desire for power and popularity develops into a persistent campaign of intimidation, humiliation, and threats of physical violence. As was already indicated, the effect of bullying may cause long-lasting emotional distress or even result in suicide.

If you are experiencing it, do not hesitate to seek help.

What Are The Types Of Cyberbullying? (Know What You’re Dealing With)


The internet has a lot to offer, and one of the best ways to experience it is through social media. There, you can socialize and have a reliable connection with other people in all parts of the globe. But along with its benefits, social media is not a safe space, especially when you are dealing with mental and emotional stress due to hate, cyberbullying, and online harassment.


What Is Cyberbullying

The use of computer technology to intimidate, harass, humiliate, or target another individual is known as cyberbullying. It is just like traditional bullying but in the online space. Threats made digitally, as well as nasty, violent, or harsh public posts, tweets, texts, or messages, all qualify. Posting private pictures, recordings, or other content intending to hurt or embarrass another individual also counts.

Bullying via online platforms, such as gadgets such as tablets, computers, and cell phones, is known as cyberbullying. It can also happen online via social media, forums, or games where users can watch, interact with, or exchange material. It can also happen via text messages, phone calls, and apps. It involves distributing, publishing, or circulating hurtful, foul, misleading, or derogatory content that would publicly shame or degrade another person.

Some specifics of cyberbullying cases include posting mean or hurtful comments about the victim online, spreading rumors, commenting with sexual meaning, impersonating the individual, commenting negatively about the individual, race, color, sexual orientation, and religion, and creating a hurtful webpage about the victim.

Bullies occasionally utilize group conversations as a means of organizing an attack on a single victim. Additionally, they occasionally break into a person’s account and alter any content, including an image or the “About Me” section, to anything offensive or dangerous. Some take pictures of people in their underwear or other demeaning situations without their permission and share them widely on social media.

There are several sites available for cyberbullies to use in their attempts to harass, hurt, humiliate, threaten, or put off others. Just a few of the potential media networks are Reddit, TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 

Special Concerns

Due to the widespread use of social media and online forums, people’s shared content—including postings, images, comments, and posts—can frequently be viewed by individuals who are not acquainted with them. Anything a person posts online, whether private or offensive, cruel or unpleasant, leaves an irreversible publicly accessible record of their opinions, actions, and behaviors.

This widely available record, which may be compared to an online reputation, may be viewed by organizations, educational institutions, universities, schools, clubs, and other organizations doing current or future background checks. Cyberbullying can damage the online good standing of all parties involved, including the tormented individual as well as those who engage in the cyberbullying act.



Concerns about cyberbullying are distinctive since it might be:


Since cell phones and other electronic devices allow for instantaneous and continuous communication around the clock, it might be challenging for those individuals who are being bullied online to seek and get help.


If not reported and deleted, most information shared through digital devices is permanent and available to the public. A bad internet public image can affect a victim’s reputation and ability to get work, get into better schools and universities, and succeed in other facets of life. A bully spreading cruel information and hurtful messages digitally and through social media accounts can have far-reaching consequences.

Hard to Notice

It can be more difficult to identify cyberbullying because parents and teachers might not hear or witness it when cyberbullying occurs.

Hard Truth About Cyberbullying

It isn’t easy to deal with cyberbullying when you are the target of it. It seems you’re stuck with nowhere to go but downward. Targets of cyberbullying rarely get the chance to stand up for themselves. There are no parents or teachers to witness what is happening and step in to end it. Additionally, cyberbullying can occur in a completely private setting, giving the person being harassed little way to take action or report the abusive individual to a higher authority. Additionally, it can use social media platforms to quickly and negatively expose bullying instances to thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people.

The bully can easily make a new account if the victim decides to block them on social media and knows who the abuser is. Alternatively, they can use a friend’s social media account, SMS, or email since bullies nowadays are very tech-savvy and resourceful. There is little that an innocent person can do to put an end to someone who is determined to bully them online.

Cyberbullying is, all things considered, more severe, persistent, and harmful than conventional harassment. It is also among the biggest sources of anxiety in the lives of young adults. Even while victims of bullying frequently try to hide these incidents from their loved ones, there is no escaping the mental and emotional damage the negative act can bring.

It’s interesting to note that other negative consequences of cyberbullying include inadequate self-worth, psychological health problems, increased stress and worry, depression, and aggressive behaviors. Even when the bullying has stopped, cyberbullying can have an emotional and psychological impact that lasts a lifetime.

Impact Of Cyberbullying

  • Reduced social interactions, such as avoiding friends and social gatherings
  • spending more time alone in their room than usual
  • lowering one’s voice often, becoming quieter, or withdrawing
  • Having trouble focusing on academic tasks
  • declining grades
  • losing interest in things once used to enjoy
  • deciding to skip school or indicating a desire to do so
  • displaying rage when using a computer, tablet, or phone
  • concealing the screen of their computer or phone
  • Staying away from their phone
  • Taking alcohol or drugs
  • displaying depressing feelings or thoughts
  • causing self-harm 
  • Discussing suicide often


What Are The Types Of Cyberbullying?


You may become the target of harassment if you receive abusive or violent messages from other people over a long period. This type of cyberbullying is extremely dangerous for your mental and emotional health. It might significantly affect your well-being. The messages that are sent can affect your confidence and sense of self-worth and instill dread in your head because they have cruel, malicious, and harmful intent. There’s no break from cyberbullying because of the nonstop use of messages. The cyberbully goes to great lengths to inflict suffering and terror.

Social Exclusion

The intentional leaving of another individual out is known as social exclusion. You may be noticeably left out of the discussion, social interaction, or chats that involve mutual friends or acquaintances, or you may be specifically excluded from a group or gathering that “everyone” is talking about or attending. Here, the intention adds the hostile component that turns simple avoidance into rejection and, consequently, abusive behavior.

Outing or Doxing

The act of disclosing private or sensitive information about somebody without the individual’s permission in order to cause them pain or embarrassment is called an outing, often referred to as doxing. When it comes to cyberbullying, doxing might mean releasing someone’s confidential or private messages on an internet chat room or revealing private images of the individual without their consent.


Trickery is just an outing or boxing with a dash of deceit applied. The harasser will make friends with their victim in these circumstances in an attempt to give them a false sense of comfort and security. Once the bully acquires the victims’ confidence and trust, they take advantage of it by willfully disclosing the victim’s secrets and sensitive or personal information to other people, leaving them vulnerable to judgments and negative criticisms.


This type of cyberbullying act might involve the cyberbully really posing a risk to your safety or physical well-being. Cyberstalking is also the term used to describe the behavior of adults contacting or private messaging and attempting to meet young individuals or children for sex over the Internet. It’s a particularly hazardous kind of cyberbullying that might have significant consequences if action to stop it isn’t taken right away. It also often leads to offline stalking.


Frapping, which is no longer exclusive to Facebook, is the term used to describe the act of a person cyberbullying by taking over a victim’s social media profile, putting up offensive or dehumanizing stuff, and trying to post inappropriate content with the intention of making that individual feel bad about themselves. Frapping is a direct attack performed for an audience that is mediated.

Catfishing or Creating Fake Profiles

When someone wants to bully you online, they can make up a fake profile to conceal their true identity.  Usually, it entails making up a social media profile or email address and then sending or uploading offensive or dehumanizing messages to other people you may or may not know. Catfishing is the practice of someone using your online persona—typically videos and photos—to build false social media pages.


The act of a bully distributing derogatory or private information about their victim in either publicly or privately messaging threatening statements to harm that person’s reputation or interpersonal connections is known as dissing. Bullying behavior frequently utilizes accurate information, but bullies distort it somewhat to tell an engaging narrative. In these circumstances, the victim and the bully typically have a personal relationship, either as friends or acquaintances.


When someone purposefully tries to provoke unfavorable responses by making offensive or offensive remarks through online activities, like in an online social media community or thread, this is known as trolling. When someone engages in trolling with the intention of causing harm or eliciting a reaction, it is considered cyberbullying. Bullies who engage in harassment often have no personal connection to the people they target and are more interested in stirring up trouble in general.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Are The Different Types Of Cyberbullying Detection?

What Are 3 Ways In Which Cyberbullying Can Impact Your Mental Health?

What Do You Think Are The Factors Of Cyberbullying?

What Are The Types Of Emotional Effects Of Cyberbullying?

What Is The Psychological Perspective Of Cyberbullying?

What bullying prevention strategies can help with cyberbullying?

What Are 4 Factors Of Cyberbullying?

What Are The Levels Of Cyberbullying?

What Are The Social Problems Of Cyberbullying?

Is Cyberbullying A Disinhibition?

What Is The Fatal Impact Of Cyberbullying?

What Mental Illness Is Linked To Cyberbullying?

Is Social Media Addiction Linked To Cyberbullying?

Is Cyberbullying A Mental Health Issue?

How Does Anonymity Affect Cyberbullying?

Is Cyberbullying Bad For Mental Health?

Understanding Pediatric Therapy: Improving Pediatric Mental Health and Development

Pediatric therapy: Join us as we embark on a trip to investigate its complexities, during which we will highlight the vital role that pediatric therapy counselors play in promoting the well-being of your kid. Learn about the essential principles of treatment in pediatrics as we study how it helps the general growth and development of your kid while you are informed about these fundamental aspects.

Pediatric therapy - fun time

Pediatric Therapy For Improving Children’s Overall Mental Well-Being And How It Can Help Resolve Other Mental Conditions

Do children’s counselors in a clinical setting work with children of all ages and developmental stages? Let’s delve deeper into understanding how pediatric therapy works, its benefits, and the role of children’s counselors in this informative article.

According to a team of pediatric therapy associates and psychologists whose expertise and skills lie in the treatment, the mental state of a patient depends on parenting behavior. Treatment places an emphasis on mental well-being and mental health problems in bullying.

Things That Affect Children’s Overall Mental Health And Their Well-Being

As per pediatric therapy is concerned, the reasons for pediatric psychological issues are quite trivial. Your parenting mistakes merely cause your kid’s anxiety and low self-esteem. So what are these character traits that cause your child’s wrong behavior? BetterHelp made a list for you concerning effective pediatric therapy and other pediatric issues.


Children who are under scrutiny or facing challenges can greatly benefit from the specialized care and support provided by pediatric therapy.

Resolving Mistakes Parents Make According To Children’s Counselors

Helicopter Parenting. According to most pediatric therapists, this act of always watching and scrutinizing your children leads to psychological issues such as a lack of independence. It hinders them from making significant decisions for themself as family and community members, and they think that the world is never safe without you in it. Your children may need counseling to deal with their issues.

“Helicopter parenting typically describes hyper-involved. They try to guide, coax, compel or even force children to do what they think is “best” for him/them,” Mike Brooks, Ph.D., therapist explains.

Imposing A Feeling Of Guilt. When you encourage your children by enumerating the list of your sacrifices, you are not doing them a favor. Instead, you are imposing guilt that leads to constant pressure and stress.

Focusing On Strict Compliance. Understandably, you want to encourage your children to do their best in everything. However, pediatric counselors say that too much pushing can lead to restlessness and exhaustion. Thus, your kids need to feel complete relaxation for them to be able to work productively. This is what pediatric therapy has emphasized – that patients be provided with resources for them to relax.  If they don’t, you are taking away an essential aspect of their life – childhood.

Questioning Their Capabilities. One of the primary reasons children experience a mental condition is constant doubt about their capabilities. According to therapists, they might grow into an adult who subconsciously focuses themselves in adverse situations and might even need treatment. Most therapists advise that parents should trust their children’s abilities and coordination.

Deciding For Your Kid. Most counselors believe that the essence of thinking that your child is still not mature enough to make decisions in certain activities is bad parenting behavior. That is according to ABA therapy experts. As per treatment principles, when you make firm arrangements for your wonderful kids because you think that they’re too young to understand what’s good and what’s bad for them, you’re not only depriving them of their rights but also limiting their skill range, mental equipment, and creative capabilities to creating necessary adjustments.

Lack Of Sensitivity. It is normal for kids to express their emotions, so frequently stopping them from showing a weak side leads to an emotional shutdown. A child eventually learns to suppress emotions, and that can turn into psychosomatic issues. He may have problems identifying the different feelings and psychological responses. It would be a great time to achieve specific advice from counselors’ offices.

“Talking about emotions helps children learn about their own and other people’s internal experiences. Wrapping big, messy emotions up in words makes them seem more understandable and therefore more manageable,” says clinical psychologist Eileen Kennedy-Moore, Ph.

The kid's playing but he may have problems identifying the different feelings and psychological responses.

Ways On How To Handle Children With Different Mental Health Conditions: Don’t Delay!

Many pediatric therapists emphasize the importance of commitment when working with children, whether their needs involve sensory integration, motor planning, autism support, speech-language, or other aspects of development. However, it’s crucial to take full responsibility for your actions and exercise care when making decisions that impact children and their families.

Ronald E. Riggio, Ph.D., further explains, “Parenting style has a big impact on how children develop into adults, and there are important implications for their future success.”

Evaluate yourself and think about how you can create an impact on the child’s development and milestones with or without an occupational therapy expert or speech therapy expert of speech-language pathologists. Always remember that though parenting mistakes are common, there’s a higher price to pay if you don’t do an early intervention to treat children.

If you need assistance in understanding the process of pediatric therapy, contact a professional via phone or email. `

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am unsure if my child needs physical therapy or occupational therapy or feeding therapy services, or an applied behavior analysis?

What is pediatric therapy?

Pediatric therapy is specialized healthcare for children, covering various therapies like physical, occupational, speech, and behavioral therapy. Its goal is to address children’s developmental, physical, and emotional needs, providing tailored solutions to support their success and overall well-being.

Why do kids need occupational therapy?

What are occupational therapy examples?

How much of my child’s speech should I (and others) be able to understand at this age?

How does pediatric therapy help your child?

Pediatric therapy addresses your child’s unique developmental, physical, emotional, and sensory needs. Whether it’s improving mobility, communication, or managing conditions like autism, therapists from a specialized pediatric therapy practice offer tailored support to help children reach their potential, boost confidence, and enhance overall well-being.

Do children like pediatric therapy services like speech-language pathology or speech-language therapy?

Children’s reactions to multi-disciplinary pediatric therapy services like speech-language pathology or speech-language therapy, offered by pediatric therapy solutions, can vary. Some children may enjoy the engaging activities and support provided by therapists, while others might initially find it challenging. The perception of therapy often depends on factors like the therapist’s approach, the child’s age, and their progress in therapy. Creating a positive and supportive environment can help children develop a more favorable view of therapy over time.

Why is pediatric treatment important?

Pediatric treatment, including therapy for your child, is crucial because it caters to the specific needs of children, ensuring their healthy development and addressing any medical, developmental, behavioral, and social concerns early on. Pediatric treatments center on early intervention. Along with a child-centered and family-centered approach, this fosters a positive healthcare experience and sets the stage for a child’s lifelong well-being.

What is pediatric physical therapy?

What do occupational therapists do?

Do ADHD kids need occupational therapy?

What is the goal of pediatric occupational therapy?

The goal of pediatric occupational therapy, often provided by pediatric therapy associates, is to help children develop the essential sensory and life skills they need to thrive in daily life. Occupational therapists work with children to improve their independence in tasks like dressing and eating, enhance motor skills, boost cognitive abilities, foster social and emotional skills, and support children with special needs.

Is occupational therapy free?

Why would a child need physical therapy?

Children may require physical therapy for a range of reasons, including developmental delays, musculoskeletal conditions, orthopedic injuries, neurological disorders, sports-related injuries, post-surgical rehabilitation, chronic health conditions, coordination and balance issues, gait abnormalities, and pain management. Pediatric physical therapy, often provided at a therapy center by experienced therapy associates, is individualized to address the specific needs of each child, focusing on improving mobility, strength, and overall physical function to enhance their quality of life and independence.

Will my child with ADHD live a normal life?

Rebuilding Connections: Exploring the Benefits of Couples Counseling

Any clinical experience with therapy? It is a significant subject not only for those who have relationship problems and issues. It is equally important for individuals who want to stay happy and fulfilled in their romantic relationships. Let’s learn more about it here.

Individuals renew their relationship satisfaction.

Counseling aims to help resolve conflict and interpersonal issues in a committed relationship, including sexual orientation or sexual difficulties. This method can help enhance communication, self-discovery, and problem-solving.  Let’s see how couples counseling is beneficial in marriage and other relationships and decide if you need it as well.

Why Is Couples Counseling Significantly Important In Improving Relationship Satisfaction And Emotional Health For Couples Who Are Undergoing Difficult Times?

A licensed marriage and family therapist can help couples build healthy relationships by utilizing couples therapy techniques that focus on improving relationship satisfaction and emotional health. One such technique is the Gottman method, which helps couples identify negative patterns and replace them with positive aspects of the relationship.

With online couples therapy, individuals can access a licensed therapist from the comfort of their own homes. This approach is particularly useful for couples who have busy schedules or are located in remote areas.

Couples counseling benefits - A marriage or family therapist clarifies the reasons why partners need to stay or get separated from each other

Emotionally focused couples counseling is a better way to help overall relationship satisfaction that goes through difficult times. It has been an excellent way for individuals to know each other more and understand particular aspects of their long-term commitment.

Be Committed: Improve Your Relationship With Your Partner Through Counseling

“More than likely, counseling for couples will help improve your relationship. However, both couples must be fully committed to the counseling process for it to work. Keep in mind that your specific treatment plan will depend on your unique situation,” R. Y. Langham, Ph.D., said.

The Process Of Negotiation With Your Partner: Reconcile, Compromise And Forget

People may tend to ignore the consequences of their actions, especially if they are more focused on the arguments they are facing. As for couple counseling, it helps both parties to negotiate and value their commitment. In line with this, it could give them a chance to reconcile and compromise for things they ought to forget when they are under the influence of extreme anger.

Narrative Therapy: Improve Your Communication With Your Partner

Individual therapy sessions can be beneficial for individuals who are experiencing relationship conflict or relationship distress. A licensed marriage and family therapist can provide support and guidance to help individuals navigate their emotions and work through challenges in their relationships. Narrative therapy is a commonly used approach that helps individuals understand their emotional responses to specific events and create a new narrative around them.

Couples counselors can also play a valuable role in addressing relationship conflict. During the first therapy session, you can expect to discuss your goals and concerns with a licensed therapist. The therapist can help couples identify patterns in their mental health condition.

“Once communication has deteriorated, often it is hard to get it going back in the right direction. Negative communication could include anything that leaves one partner feeling depressed, insecure, disregarded, or wanting to withdraw from the conversation,” shares Donna M. White, LMHC, CACP.

How Should Partners Find Counseling? Here Are The Ways

A Mediator Is Present

A mediator for relationship counseling or online therapy session is a great help to stress out the essential details needed for reconciliation evenly. An expert will facilitate a healthy relationship conversation and act as a mediator for better communication. It allows partners or spouses to have a realistic picture of what the other may or may not think about them and explain their emotional response’s significance.

Couples Counseling Provides A Neutral Solution

professional medical advice and a neutral territory


“We don’t see our relationships and ourselves objectively,” notes William Doherty, Ph.D., LCSW, a professor of family social science at the University of Minnesota. “Most people are far more aware of how their partner is contributing to the problems in the relationship than they are.”

Guiding Couples Towards Renewed Relationship Satisfaction

Couple counseling or online couples emotionally focused therapy can help. It is a medium that puts the pair on the right path of decision-making. A family therapist, marriage counselor, or mental health professionals give professional medical advice and a neutral territory that helps individuals renew their relationship satisfaction through emotionally focused counseling or relationship counseling session done by couples therapists or marriage and family therapists and clarifies the reasons why they need to stay or get separated from each other.

If your partner’s behavior is causing you concern, it may be helpful to pay attention to their behavioral patterns. Recognizing these patterns can help you identify areas of conflict and past hurts that may be contributing to the issue. However, it’s important to avoid making assumptions or jumping to conclusions, as this can make things worse. Instead, consider having an open-ended discussion with your partner to better understand their behavior and how it’s impacting your well-being.

The Role of Licensed Therapists in Addressing Relationship Concerns

If you’re looking to address concerns about your partner’s behavior, consider seeking the support of a licensed therapist. In-person counseling sessions with a qualified mental health professional can provide a safe and supportive environment to answer questions, explore past hurts, and identify areas of conflict. The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) is a great resource for finding licensed therapists in your area.

Illuminating Dynamics and Facilitating Change

Behavioral couples therapy sessions could help shed light on the dynamics and mental health process of change in struggling pairs. A few principles of effective couples therapy or marriage counseling sessions from a licensed professional could give effective tools and various resolutions to communication skills that both parties could listen to and follow.

Frequently Asked Questions

What percentage of couples who go to counseling stay together?

When is a good time to go for couples counseling?

Couples counseling is a valuable resource for addressing relationship challenges. Whether you’re struggling with communication, trust issues, frequent arguments, or any other concerns, seeking counseling can provide a safe and supportive environment to work through these issues.

What is the difference between counseling and therapy?

The terms “counseling” and “therapy” are often used interchangeably, but they differ in focus and duration. Counseling tends to be shorter-term and solution-focused, helping individuals find solutions to specific life challenges, while therapy, guided by a trained therapist, is broader in scope and often delves deeper into emotional and psychological issues. Professionals providing these services, such as counselors and therapists, may have different titles and levels of training. The choice between counseling and therapy depends on individual needs, with both therapists and counselors offering valuable support and guidance for various personal and emotional concerns.

What type of therapy is best for couples?

The best type of therapy for couples varies depending on their specific relationship issues and goals. Some may benefit from general couples counseling while others may find approaches like EFT or CBT more suitable for their needs. For those dealing with sexual issues within their relationship, sex therapy can be a valuable option, focusing on intimacy, desire, and sexual dysfunction. Additionally, premarital counseling is an excellent choice for couples who are engaged or considering marriage. To get started, it’s essential to find a therapist who specializes in the chosen approach and can provide the tailored guidance needed to improve the relationship

Is couples therapy worth the money?

Can a licensed couples therapist tell you to leave your partner?

A licensed couples therapist typically does not tell clients to leave their partner. Their role is to facilitate communication, provide guidance, and help couples explore their issues. The decision to stay or leave a relationship is ultimately made by the individuals involved based on their own judgment and circumstances. Therapists prioritize safety in cases of abuse but offer support and guidance rather than giving a directive to leave the partner. Their field is for validation and providing a safe space for clients to make their own choices, encouraging open and honest contact within the therapeutic process.

Can counseling help a broken relationship?

What not to say in couples counseling?

Can counseling save a toxic relationship?

Counseling can assist in addressing toxic relationship dynamics, but success depends on both partners’ willingness to change. In some cases, despite counseling efforts, it may become evident that separating or ending the relationship is the healthiest course of action for everyone involved. Additionally, counseling can also serve as a tool for validation purposes, helping individuals acknowledge and affirm the validity of their feelings and experiences within the relationship.

What can I do instead of couples therapy?

If you’re not considering couples therapy, you can still improve your relationship by exploring alternative avenues. You can attend communication workshops, read self-help resources, use relationship apps, or engage in retreats together. Individual therapy, mediation, family therapy, and support from trusted friends or online groups are also viable options. Additionally, you may consider adopting the Gottman Method, a renowned approach to improving relationships, which emphasizes communication, empathy, and conflict resolution. Ultimately, the key is open communication, self-reflection, and a commitment to nurturing your relationship in ways that suit both you and your partner.

Can you fix a marriage without counseling?

Fixing a marriage without counseling is possible through open communication, active listening, quality time together, addressing issues collaboratively, and offering emotional support. However, in cases involving serious or deep-seated problems such as abuse, addiction, or infidelity, seeking professional counseling or therapy, specifically designed for counseling couples, is often the most effective way to mend the relationship and achieve lasting improvement. Ignoring such issues can lead to continued deterioration if left unchanged,  making it essential to work on the relationship with guidance when necessary.


Top Questions For Couples Therapy

Therapy For Couples

How does couple therapy help deal with relationship concerns and help resolve conflicts among most couples?

Does it also deal with commitment and infidelity matters?

Psychology Today states that couples therapy helps with many matters that concern partners – family, sex, unresolved conflicts, and many more.

couples therapy

When something is painful or wrong in your body, the first step is to consult a medical doctor to get a proper diagnosis for your condition. Just as with physical ailments, if there are concerns in your relationship, seeking guidance becomes crucial.

After the initial consultation, you’ll receive a prescription detailing the next steps. For mental health concerns, especially those related to interpersonal dynamics, couples are often referred to a therapist specializing in couples therapy. This type of therapy provides a framework to work through relationship challenges, whether they opt for behavioral couples therapy or online couples therapy.

Couples therapy becomes an invaluable resource, equipping couples with skills to articulate their needs, cope with stressors, and fortify their bond, ensuring they remain best friends. Therapists guide couples in fostering healthy communication patterns and coping strategies, ensuring these skills permeate various aspects of their lives – be it managing finances or navigating social situations with friends and family.

In some cases, couples may turn to therapy as a last resort, perhaps after experiencing a significant break in their faith or trust. However, even in difficult times, couples therapy can provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment to work through challenges and rebuild their connection. Ultimately, couples therapy can help couples learn to work together towards shared goals, deepen their understanding of each other, and strengthen their faith in each other over time.

What About When It Comes To Your Marriage Or The Relationship?

When it comes to your marriage or the relationship, seeking guidance from a couples therapist can be invaluable. Couples counseling offers a structured environment to address specific issues, foster open communication, and strengthen the bond between partners. If broader family dynamics are influencing the relationship, family therapy can also be beneficial, ensuring that all members have a voice and the tools to contribute to a healthier family unit.

What If You Are Experiencing Relationship Distress Or Sexual Difficulties?

If you are experiencing relationship distress or sexual difficulties, considering marriage counseling or relationship counseling can be an effective way to address and resolve those challenges. Many therapists now offer online couples therapy options, making it more convenient for individuals and partners to seek help. These professionals work with couples to enhance communication, understanding, and intimacy, providing them with tools and strategies to improve their relationship dynamics.

Would Couples Therapy Be Effective?

Fortunately, the answer to this question is in the affirmative.

When To Seek Couple Therapy For Couples

If you and your partner are among the married couples having frequent conflict and marriage problems, then the best option to take is to try this type of therapy or in-person couples therapy.


However, it must be noted that it requires the cooperation and communication skills of both the husband and wife.

Couples counseling requires couples to be fully cooperative, focusing on how to improve their relationship.

Keep in mind that no matter how much you want to save the marriage, if your partner is reluctant to try it then it is expected that the relationship may end up in legal separation or divorce.

There are times when you may be clueless about what is causing the rift between you as a couple.

Couples therapy, also known as relationship therapy, can be a helpful process for addressing issues within a relationship. One of the key areas that therapists focus on is healthy communication skills, as well as problem-solving skills. Often, one partner may need support in learning how to effectively express their needs and feelings.

The therapist can work with both partners to develop and practice these skills over the course of several months. Additionally, couples therapy can address a range of issues that may be affecting the relationship, such as unresolved conflicts or issues with extended family members, such as parents.


Once you feel that something is wrong as a couple, then maybe it is best to have couples therapy and talk to a marriage counselor or a licensed marriage therapist as soon as possible.

That way you can both stay on the same page.

Know that your relationship requires fewer expectations and more adjustment during a difficult conversation.

Do not wait until it’s too late to resolve the issue and listen carefully to your advisor when he or she advised you to stop fighting.

Couples therapy helps them identify and deal with unwanted feelings and conflicts and improve relationship satisfaction.

Couples therapy can be a beneficial tool for couples facing physical, emotional, or psychological challenges in their relationship. Often, couples may be afraid to communicate their anxiety and worry through words, which can lead to complications and misunderstandings.

By working with a therapist early on, couples can learn to communicate effectively and with respect for each other’s feelings. Through this process, they may realize that many of the challenges they face can be solved through dialogue and a shared commitment to working towards a common goal.

In other words, therapy can help couples overcome their fears and find a way to move forward together, ultimately strengthening their bond and deepening their connection.

By going through it, you can expect that you and your partner make wise decisions regarding strengthening and regaining the bond in your marriage – or decide to go their separate ways.

Both of you will feel loved.

Couples Therapy Effectiveness

“Many couples come to couples therapy with an acute issue to work on. However, the problem-solving tools learned from couples therapy can be used preventatively and are applicable in many other factors and aspects in life,” says John Carroll, MFT.


How Couple Therapy Works

The primary objective of couples therapy is to help partners connect with one another through the help of a couples therapist.

“They come to couples therapy to deepen their connection and strengthen their relationship,” explains Geoffrey Steinberg, PsyD.

In couples therapy sessions, couples therapists or family therapy experts determine the major obstacles that you are experiencing together, and what really triggers most of your conflicts in your relationship to achieve overall relationship satisfaction.

Some areas of your relationship stress and problems that could be deliberated include communication problems, health matters, sexual intimacy issues, cultural background, and parenting conflicts, among others.


These are addressed during the couples counseling session.

Sometimes, when two persons have been in a relationship for such a long time, there is a possibility that the intimacy would die down. A partner refuses to get romantic. The once healthier relationship turns stale. And sometimes, comparisons with other people’s relationships crop up. This is where focused therapy can be beneficial.

Couples therapists are trained to help these individuals navigate relationship issues and reconnect. However, the professional will not approach the situation abruptly. Through structured therapy sessions, the therapist will use specialized strategies that would encourage, but not compel, the re-establishment of old patterns between the partners, which they may have acquired from their family members.

Remember That There Is Always A Key Step For The Marriage to Succeed

Is couples therapy effective in dealing with relationship issues?

A common misconception about couples therapy or individual therapy is that it is a surefire way to save a marriage or a family by asking questions.

This is incorrect because this result is not guaranteed.

Although a recent study shows that the success rate is around 70-80%, there is still a high chance that the couples will decide to go on separate ways or that relationships just won’t work.


Always remember that the success of this type of treatment depends on a lot of factors, and communication is a major factor.

“If couples aren’t invested in trying new couples counseling techniques or recreating the experiences from couples therapy at home throughout the week (weekly therapy recommended), then couples therapy probably will not work,” explains Sheila Tucker, LAMFT, MA.

Consequently, marriage and family therapists agree with this, as relationship satisfaction is also dependent on the foundation of people’s relationships.

The truth is that no matter how much two individuals love each other, there will always come a time when their love would be tested in several circumstances.

The proper conclusion that we can make at this point is that the efficacy of couples therapy is not guaranteed.

Treating Couple’s Relationship The Right Way

Couples Therapy Insights And Takeaways To Consider

Saving a marriage by knowing the relative questions to ask your spouse in marriage must always be your top priority.

Sadly, some future indications would tell you that love is not enough to stay.

Couples therapy may not guarantee to save the marriage or relationship of partners.

But it is indeed one of the key steps in having a successful relationship.

It is significant to note that for couples who find it difficult to find counseling or therapy services near their area, online marriage counseling questions to ask are available in most countries.


Clients may search for online platforms and look for the right couple’s counseling therapist or family therapist that can meet their needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the most predominant issues tackled in couples counseling?
  2. What are the typical strategies used in couple therapy?
  3. What are the primary objectives of a couples counselor?
  4. How effective is therapy for couples?
  5. Do counselors provide advice to couples on how to make relationships last?
  6. How long do couples need to go to a therapist?
  7. Is a counselor licensed to advise divorce in couples?
  8. What is the most common problem addressed in couple therapy?
  9. Does marriage counseling really help?
  10. How do you make a relationship last 6 tips from a couples therapist?
  11. What kind of therapist is best for couples?
  12. How do you fix a broken relationship?
  13. What Do couples Do During Couples therapy?

  14. Is Couples Therapy Good For The Relationship?

  15. Can Couples Therapy Help A Toxic Relationship?

Principles Of Effective Couples Therapy

Effectiveness of couples therapy?


What exactly is couples therapy and what are its benefits? Does it only focus on distant and warring partners? Or can those who are just starting to experience minor relationship problems and concerns take something away from it as well? Do history’s leading relationship experts provide clear and helpful guidelines for couples therapy? Learn more about couples therapy and all its benefits here.

Most people have heard about couples therapy one way or another but not much is known about the directions for doing it in a way that works. Do practical guides for seeking couples therapy as partners really help relationship experts provide successful solutions for partners in trouble? And when can you say that it is effective? When excellent clinical insight and clinical wisdom is present? What are other telltale signs that couples therapy is actually working?

This article will offer clients couples therapy advice. Learn more about this practical guide backed by reliable research findings on helpful tips, insights, guidance, and strategies offered by professional therapists specializing in partnerships and relationships.

Understanding How Important It Is To Marriage Guidance

If you and your loved one are experiencing relationship troubles, you may have considered the effectiveness of couples therapy. However, with relatively low success rates and the stress of working out problems, many couples feel overwhelmed and discouraged by the idea. This is the reason why psychiatrists and other professionals have delved more into emotionally focused therapy.

The problem with couples therapy usually lies in the fact that distant and warring couples often only seek help when the troubles are already quite deep in their joint personal history. “When couples have tried and tried to improve their relationship and nothing has worked, a heap of skepticism about whether it could possibly work makes sense,” wrote practicing psychologist, one of history’s leading couples therapists, and Harvard University lecturer Holly Parker, Ph.D.

Despite this, however, she says that “It may ultimately surprise couples with how much it can make a difference.” Hence, it is important that partners consider treatment, whether things have just started getting rocky or they have already begun growing distant. Relationship skill deficits underlie partnership deterioration, which is why communication is essential at any relationship stage.

Method Differences In Counseling

As one of the country’s leading couples therapists, the Gottman Method of Couples Therapy developed by the world’s leading researchers, John and Julie Gottman, has become a helpful tool for both same-sex marriages and heterosexual couples. While immensely popular, the art in this approach is actually pretty simple. This Gottmans’ evidence-based approach is based on the ten principles that guide the national clinical training program and provide a clinical map for other therapists and relationship experts to follow. By using the Gottmans’ clinical map, therapists can help couples overcome challenges and strengthen their relationships.

As the co-founder and president of The Gottman Institute, John Gottman has dedicated his career to scientific research on what makes couples thrive. As a clinical professor, he has also studied same sex couples and the impact of factors like lesbian adoption on relationships. His research based wisdom is reflected in his Marriage Clinic Casebook, a comprehensive book that provides therapists with evidence based principles of couples therapy that are effective to help couples overcome challenges and build stronger relationships.

The skills needed in this method are an entirely different animal, or must I say, completely alien from that of individual treatment. When done right, it can produce positive and long-term effects. According to many psychotherapists, the key is to use different techniques which effectively work for both parties, even with a bit of trial and error involved. After all, what works for one person might not necessarily work for the other. This is why communication and a willingness to try are important.

You can match methods from Imago relationship counseling, family therapy, and other effective couples therapy informed by your therapist. Imago relationship therapy and its various versions commonly guide numerous professionals who practice in private. But always remember to apply clear and helpful guidelines when doing so.

Fundamental Principles Of Seeking Treatment Together

It Changes Your View Of A Relationship

During this process, the goal of effective marriage help is for each couple to look at the relationship objectively and avoid placing the blame on the other. It’s not healthy to point fingers at each other, especially when you’re trying to work things out. A professional well-versed in the principles of couples therapy will employ techniques to help them see their union in a particular context. This, in turn, will help each individual see things from the other’s perspective, which will result in more empathy and a deeper understanding.


For example, for partners undergoing financial troubles, there are specific ways for each one to effectively adapt until the money issues are resolved through effective couples therapy principles. Couples therapists utilize various data-gathering forms to improve upon their method and clinical insight. This is what makes it more effective. As their sessions continue, the more insight is gained. This is where principles of effective couples therapy come in.

Moreover, the Gottman Method is a skill-building model that draws on the iconic research of the Gottman Institute on marital success. This approach is based on 10 principles that provide extraordinary therapists with a coherent theory to develop a treatment plan. The method includes scientific research and tools

In this case, the therapist would suggest a successful intervention or clinical wisdom for effectively managing finances as a couple. By pointing out the problems, the couple can put aside their pride and learn to work as a team to effectively solve the issues head-on. Effective couples therapy principles, even outside the consulting rooms, is useful.

It Modifies Dysfunctional Behavior

Ineffective couples therapy, the professional also needs to end behaviors that cause physical or emotional distress. Among the principles of couples therapy is that if one partner is physically abusive, he must first be dealt with individually.

Emotionally Focused Counseling

One way to do this is to put him in a domestic violence shelter for a while. A similar method that is taught in therapy can be done for a partner suffering from substance abuse or alcoholism.

Doing so not only helps the relationship, it keeps both healthy, safe and in a much better position to solve the couple’s issues. With issues such as these, “[a] good therapist will not judge you, but needs to know everything in order to help you,” clinical psychologist and one of the world’s leading couple therapists Barbara Markway, Ph.D., says.

It Decreases Emotional Problems And Provides Assistance During Distress

Principles of effective couples therapy would also enforce communication between couples who may have deeply buried and unexpressed feelings. Blake Griffin Edwards, LMFT, wrote, “Couples who do not experience mutuality usually channel feelings of sadness, fear, or shame through self-protective or coercive behaviors that fail to achieve what is needed to move beyond them.”

He added, “When such interactions evolve into patterns, couples often experience a loss of trust or a heightening of fear in their relationship, which buries the deeper emotions even further.”

Many pairs lose intimacy over time because their everyday issues may have discouraged them from expressing themselves effectively and healthily. The concept of therapy is to prevent the couple from growing apart because of the emotional distance.

This may be difficult because it requires the couple to break old habits, but it is often a good stepping stone to resolving other couples’ issues.

It Genuinely Improves Communication

That being said, effective couples therapy principles should be able to address all communication problems between partners. The basis of this is that communication is a must to achieve intimacy effectively.

According to research findings, physical and emotional abuse, and even emotional avoidance, might be seen by one partner as the only way to express himself. Many couple’s struggles are caused by this root problem. By introducing more effective and less destructive methods in the treatment, the couple can start being on the same page again.

A professional can achieve this through simple exercises and provide each individual with an outlet to talk without interruption.


It Promotes Strength And Patience

Active marriage help would be able to point out many positive qualities of each couple and how they contribute to a healthy and harmonious relationship.

One idea is to let a couple reaffirm their reasons to keep a relationship going and to equip them for any future problems that they may encounter after this treatment has concluded.

Principles And Benefits Of Effective Couples Therapy

For a relationship to work out, it takes both individuals’ effort, time, and perseverance. But despite all these, and the change will still not take place, then your best option is to get professional help.

Here is a guide on how to choose a highly respected clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, or psychiatrist for marriage help:

Effective Couples Therapy FAQs

What are the 3 parts of working on your relationship according to the Gottman Method?

According to the Gottman Method, developed by John and Julie Schwartz, the three parts of working on your relationship are: building friendship, managing conflicts effectively, and creating shared meaning. These form the core principles for doing effective couples work.

What is the most effective form of couples therapy?

The most effective form of couples therapy often varies based on individual needs, but many consider the Gottman Method to be among the leading approaches. It’s grounded in research by the leading couple and therapist duo, John and Julie Schwartz Gottman.

What is the Gottman relationship method?

The Gottman relationship method, developed by John and Julie Schwartz Gottman, provides insight guidance, even specific guidance and strategies to enhance relationship satisfaction, addressing conflicts and fostering understanding. It’s based on extensive research and practice to promote healthier relationships.

What is a psychobiological approach to couples therapy?

The psychobiological approach to couples therapy integrates biological and psychological theories to understand and address relationship dynamics. It emphasizes how our physiology and past experiences work together to shape our interactions in intimate relationships.

What is the pact method?

The PACT method, standing for Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy, provides couples with tools and guidance to understand their triggers and responses in relationships. It delves deep into how a person’s early-life experiences can shape their behavior in relationships.

What is Imago therapy for couples?

What are the 3 stages of love?

What type of therapy is best for couples?

What does couples therapy look like?

What questions do they ask in couples therapy?


Therapist: It Took Me Too Long  To Figure Out I Was Getting Bullied


I was the least impressionable kid in my neighborhood growing up. While many of the children oohed and aahed whenever they saw a pair of new kicks or a new gadget, I could look at it without obsessing over it and begging my mom to get me one. If someone wore trendy clothes or a cool bag to school, I would not even spare them a glance, even though the other kids would undoubtedly flock over them.

I used to think that I was normal, to be honest. My parents always wanted to spoil me; I could get anything I wanted without begging them for it. However, I could not care less for technological devices or other worldly materials as mom and dad happened to teach me the need to reduce non-biodegradable waste on the planet.

Did the other kids think I was normal? I used to believe so, yes. I did not have enemies who called me out at the playground during recess to fight. Some of my classmates would listen to my stories about eco-friendliness and how we could save the Earth even if we were young. I want to think that I had a fantastic childhood surrounded by friends and family.

Realizing The Truth

I held on to the belief that people liked me until I went to high school. Most of the students there belonged to my neighborhood, so I knew them well. But then, a girl named Sugar transferred to our school during my senior year.


It was typical for kids who grew up together to exclude the newcomers from their group. Knowing that that’s how they would treat Sugar, I volunteered to give her a tour of the campus. I showed the new student around and even thought of introducing her to anyone I saw in the corridors.

When the tour was over, I was still in high spirits due to the prospect of having a new friend. However, I did not expect to hear what Sugar told me.

“I could not stand our schoolmates,” Sugar uttered. “Where I came from, the things I saw them do to you were indirect bullying. No one should experience that. How long have they been doing that to you?”

All I could do was stare back at Sugar with my mouth hanging open. “Did you say that I was getting bullied? Me? That cannot be right because everyone has been so nice to me,” I insisted.


My new classmate shrugged. “You do not have to believe me if you do not want to, but all the signs are there. Perhaps you have never noticed it because that’s how those kids have been treating you since.”

Although I remained unwilling to accept Sugar’s observation, I decided to research indirect bullying online. I could not fathom if I were happy or sad about doing this, considering I realized that my new classmate was correct. I had been getting bullied, and it took me forever to figure it out.

How Did The Realization Affect Me?

It opened my eyes for real. It was gutting that the kids I thought were friendly to me might have been snickering behind my back or calling me names. Did I even have friends at all? I had no clue.

Almost at the same time, I began to recall parts of my childhood when I experienced indirect bullying. For instance, there were times when the other kids would not share their lunch table with me, claiming that they were saving a seat for someone else. Other times, they would seem to pay attention to my lectures about Mother Earth, but then I realized that they were doing it to make fun of me.


The realizations made me want to cry, of course. It meant that I most likely did not have friends at all. I felt alone and said because of it.

How Did Things Get Better?

Sugar instantly became my new best friend. I liked that she immediately noticed that I was getting bullied – a feat that I might never have known if she had not told me. We became inseparable throughout high school.

Besides getting a new friend, my parents decided that I should go to therapy to learn how to understand other people’s actions. It was not a cakewalk – I wanted to give up one too many times. Still, my therapist was kind enough to encourage me to get on with the program.

Fast Forward To 2021

I had always wanted to become a surgeon but changed my mind at the last minute because of my experience with indirect bullying. Instead, I chose to become a psychiatrist and eventually an on-call school counselor so that I could help kids getting bullied, whether they knew about it or not.


Therapist Answers: Who Experiences Bullying At Work?

When was the first time that you heard the term “white privilege”?

I was oblivious of this term throughout my childhood. Since my parents raised me on a farm in Montana, I got homeschooled and did not see many people of other colors or races. Even our farmhands were part of the family, so I remained sheltered for years.

I only learned about white privilege once I started working at a company for the first time. I was waiting for a taxi in front of the company building along with other employees, not knowing that it was actually a queue, and I was on the far end of it. When a cab stopped in front of me, I just hopped into it. Unfortunately, I did not do it fast enough since I heard someone sigh behind me and say, “That’s a white privilege for you.”


I looked back, hoping to see who they were talking about, but my face went red as I realized everyone was staring at me. Some were disappointed; others were disgusted. I tried to explain and apologize for my action, but the people began to say nasty words about me. Shocked and afraid, I asked the driver to take me to my apartment stat.

What Happened?

It took me a while to realize what I experienced. I was lucky to become friends with a therapist who lived in the same building as my apartment because she explained everything to me.

“You got judged of cutting in line, even though you did not mean to do that. You have been stereotyped in the process since many people with fairer complexion than others act like gods. In a way, that’s a form of bullying.”


My eyes widened in shock upon learning about it. I was not born yesterday; I heard and read about bullying ages ago. However, since I always watched my actions and tried to be friendly to everyone, I never expected to be on the receiving end of it. Thus, I did not manage to prepare for the jarring feeling I experienced afterward – no less in the vicinity of my workplace.

The therapist told me that stereotyping is not the only thing that can get you bullied. You may also deal with it if:

You Are Well-Liked By Others

The primary reason behind bullying is the victim’s popularity. You will find at least a single envious person in every company, you see. If others like them, they will undoubtedly band together to take down the most well-liked individual at work.


You Are Exceptionally Attractive

If you have a God-given beauty that does not require too much enhancement, people tend to feel jealous of you. That’s when some folks can get childish and spread the word that you only got your job because of your looks. Worse, they may get malicious and say that you are romantically involved with one of the bosses so that others will shun you.

You Come From A Minority Group

It is also common to find individuals bullied due to their ethnicity, religious beliefs, and whatnot. Although my companies try to reduce incidences like that to avoid getting accused of racial discrimination, the sad truth is that it still happens these days. Some people merely feel superior over others since they belong to the majority group.

You Get Judged For Your Previous Actions

The government encourages companies to hire reforming offenders, drug addicts, etc. Their goal is to give such people a second chance in life and keep them from reoffending. Despite those positive intentions, ex-convicts can experience bullying at work, especially from people who either fear them or feel too precious to be around them.


You Do Not Fight Back

Furthermore, you can experience bullying if you make it known from the beginning that you do not engage in confrontations. Bullies are drawn to such characters because they interpret the action – or lack thereof – due to fear towards them. It may not even cross their mind that the people they are bullying are not fighting back since they are not worth the effort.

Final Thoughts

Bullying remains a problem in many institutions. If you have different views, you can get bullied. If you look different, you can get bullied. The perpetrators may not always do the bullying in the open to avoid public backlash, but it does not mean that it’s not happening behind closed doors.

I was lucky because the company building was massive enough to avoid crossing paths with the employees who accused me of enjoying white privilege. Remembering their judgmental stares hurt me for days, even though it was somewhat mild compared to what others experienced. I even considered going back home, but I realized that I should not let the bullies affect me too much. All I could do was make peace with the incident and move on.

The Need For Counseling Over A Stressful Job

During this pandemic, the most important thing that almost everyone wants and others do not want to lose is their jobs. That is because, in uncertain times like this, everything can become complicated. People deal with constant financial burdens due to the global health crisis, and no one can do anything about the cutbacks. A lot of industries are pausing or lowering their production, and more companies are shutting down. Unemployment is everywhere, and people are struggling to get a decent occupation.

Understandably, the whole world is dealing with a lack of opportunity due to the health crisis. That explains why sometimes, even the ones that don’t pay enough get highly in demand. Perhaps that is because the rate is not an important factor in this situation, but getting a job is. Having food on the table to feed the family is the main priority of all individuals. But what if that job is taking a toll on people’s lives? What if that particular job is causing a lot of emotional, physical, and mental trouble?


If It Is Too Stressful, Should You Leave?

Many people would say that when the job is becoming too stressful, one should quit it. There are warning signs that indicate when it is time to leave and let go of the damaging routine. But many would agree today that statement only applies to the years where the world is still okay. Now that there is a pandemic and jobs are almost nowhere to find, people no longer see it that way. Meaning, despite the job being toxic and having less than minimum rate, it is considered a life-changing opportunity, especially for those who can’t afford to put food on the table.

But on a lighter note, given that people can still have many options, they can do things if their job literally makes them sick. When the situation gets unbearable, unlivable, and unhealthy, people need to consider making significant life-work decisions.

Express Disappointment In A Professional Way

If the job or workplace condition is somewhat toxic and takes a toll on the daily function of individuals affecting the production, then it is time to let the managers know about the issue. It is best to discuss problems concerning the job to avoid overreacting to small things about it. That way, both employees and managers or bosses can work on alternatives. But people should be mindful that expressing thoughts and feelings does not guarantee them a solid agreement. Sometimes, other people are hard to deal with, and not all excuses or reasoning are convincing and acceptable. Thus, whatever happens, the decisions should be respected at all costs.


Remember That It Is Not All About You

Most bosses and superiors would not care if people feel like their job is getting stressful. That is because these individuals also experience the same feelings the employees have put in a different situation. If people feel like their job is unfair, it is not just them who feel that way. Business owners are dealing with unbearable financial losses due to the pandemic crisis. But the fact that they want to continue the business without an assurance of revenue is a huge risk. Their task is now tripled for managers and supervisors due to the necessary cost-cutting that companies do to save the business. The less they require human resources, the more tasks it needs to be given to a limited number of people.

Think About Things That Matter

The pandemic has caused many problems worldwide, and the most affected ones are normal citizens who lost their source of income. But that is not enough reason to blame the economy as they also struggle in keeping the business running. They cannot provide everything for the people, and they also need help. Thus, if the job description requires too much task, people should think about the consequences of accepting the offer. Understandably, they would grab onto it because there are not many vacancies left, and people are dying to get an occupation. But if both sides are not meeting halfway, either one needs to look for another job, and the other declines the application.


Take Care Of The Overall Health

No one should put their physical, mental, and emotional health on the line only to collect a limited amount of paycheck. People should consider taking care of themselves if they genuinely have to. No job can save them when things go down. So as much as possible, all individuals should focus on healthy routines. It would be impossible to accomplish, considering the global situation, but right now, flexibility and adaptability are highly important. People need to focus on surviving this pandemic more than ever so they can enjoy life once this whole health crisis is over.


Health And Counseling: The Truth About Anger

We know it is normal to get angry and upset because sometimes stressors are difficult to bear. We have those moments where we find the world a little uncooperative, and that makes us feel uncomfortable. At times, we endure those pushes that leave us off the edge. There is just too much pressure, and we start to lose our minds. At some point, we validate our rage and believe that it fits at the moment. Thus, we impulsively act out and tend to become very irrational. We would let anger take over our ability to think clearly and create better decisions. It shuts down our sense of consideration towards things like tolerance and compassion.

But the danger of giving in to anger doesn’t stop there. Frequent times, when we get upset, we couldn’t handle it. It is as if we know we have to let all the raging emotions out. Because if we don’t, we know it can cause a lot of trouble than usual. That could lead us to a deep end where nothing will seem okay. We become preoccupied with anger that we didn’t notice it ruining our lives.


Angry Than Hurt

Most of us can instantly tell the exact reason for our upset feelings. Usually, we get angry because of petty things like not getting what we want, people breaking their promises, hearing negative things about us, small disturbances, etc. The angry feelings we believe caused by unfortunate situations are sometimes not all that there is. In unfortunate conditions, our anger represents our deep sadness and emptiness that we cannot simply express. It is as if we only rely on anger so that we can hide our fears and pain. Let alone deal with it silently.

Over-Blown Sense Of Importance

The funny thing about anger is that usually, it gets a little over the edge, especially when we desire immediate validation. That is even if we are not entirely angry at the situation or there is no reason to be upset at all. Anger has this huge attachment to the statement “I believe I am right” that we hold on to for quite too long. We are somehow focused on one-way thinking that we deserve to be angry because things are not going our way.

Fear-Induced Reaction

While most of us understand that anger is quite a normal reaction to something upsetting, some use it to take advantage of the situation. People with a complicated mindset often feel the need to be angry because it brings them closer to achieving what they want. Regardless of the motive, an angry reaction often leads the other individuals to raise their flags. Anger somehow connotes a fear-induced reaction that supports aggressive behavior towards others.


Unrealistic Perfection

Usually, when we get angry, one reason is that our expectations did not go our way. We have this specific preference for things that, when it turns out negatively, become overly frustrated. It somehow makes us drawn to perfection that we know is impossible to get. And since we do not lower our standards, our disappointments go up. So when we fail, we become out of control and infuriate. That is the problem because anger holds into our deepest desire for perfection, and eventually, it will start controlling us.

An Unknown Trap

Though it is often common, anger is quite unnecessary to many things. We somehow think that it is significantly important to release the unwanted rage we have. Thus, we yell and shout at others when things are getting out of hand. Somehow, we got by and thought that it is okay since people are used to the aggressive response. Unfortunately, some of us get caught up with anger and give in to its negative impact. That explains why we spit out unnecessary words, humiliating statements, and poor judgment towards others. Anger traps us into a situation where we talk insensitively and act stupidly, and these are things that often make our apologies unacceptable.

It Ends Things

An angry emotion is known by many but understood by few. Some of us can let things go and forget about an angry person’s stupid and insensitive actions. However, some cannot accept it. These individuals take the angry behavior seriously, so they choose to back off and stay away for good. Anger breaks a relationship and even ends it forever. It sets up a barrier and limits both sides to look into reconciliation perspective. Once anger taps into the emotional imbalance, everything becomes a notable source of disconnection.


Final Thoughts

Learning to control our angry emotions, letting go of things we can’t handle, accepting the truth, and moving on are things that are sometimes incredibly difficult to do. However, if we put our mind and heart into bringing inner peace, we might stop the rage at some point.