A Manipulative Relationship (Am I A Bully?)

Source: pexels.com

“Know-it-alls may have a cluster of personality characteristics, including impulsivity, poor listening skills and an inability to read social cues. These could be symptomatic of certain mental disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or narcissistic personality disorder,” says Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Linda Lewis Griffith. My husband and I are married for more than a decade now, and as far as our relationship is concerned, I never thought I would consider myself someone that tries to manipulate my partner. I know I am considerate at all times and I properly make my decisions positive as much as possible. However, complications arose recently when my husband broke down and complained about a lot of things. I was clueless even after the divorce. That’s when I questioned myself if I’m actually a bully.

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What Can I Do If I Have A Bullying Partner?

A relationship can go with the saying that “if you love someone, you’ll have to learn to accept all their imperfections.” Well, that is quite applicable to some degree. However, not all imperfections are acceptable, and most of the time it needs proper handling especially when it’s turning the relationship upside down.

Source: pxhere.com

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Recognizing A Controlling Bully In A Relationship

Source: pexels.com

Sometimes, we often think that there’s always dominance when it comes to a relationship. The fact that most of us consider ourselves a genuine partner makes it easy for us to tolerate such actions. However, there’ll become a problem when such abuse is present, and it creates a lot of complications when our emotional, physical, and psychological aspects are at stake.

“Having a bully in the home stresses the entire family unit,” said Fran Walfish, PsyD, therapist and author of The Self-Aware Parent. “It can even strain marriages.”

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A Relationship With A Bully (The Effects You May Experience) 

A relationship is something that requires your full commitment. You have to consider a lot of things and make use of the factors that make you develop your well-being. But what if you have the kind of relationship that makes you feel anxious and depressed in a lot of ways? Then perhaps it’s time that you consider the signs that you need to get out of that kind of connection.  

Source: pxhere.com

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Smart Yet Simple Ways You Can Beat Everyday Stress

Source: image.freepik.com

Stress is one of those things that affect everyone every day, especially adults. Whether its school, work, or the people we spend time with, we almost always find ourselves stressed about something.  But while stressing out over our lives is now a regular thing, this is still something that we should never ignore.  Stress can affect the way we move, and when it gets worse, it can lead to more severe health problems. This has been discussed in edwardscounselingassociates.com.

“Negative stress, or ‘distress,’ is more chronic, hinders optimal functioning, and can be detrimental to your health,” says Aarti Gupta, PsyD.

That is why it is essential to de-stress now and then.  But how can we do that, right? Fortunately, there are simple ways that can make that possible. And I have them right here.

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