Zero Tolerance For Bullies


It is essential for schools to have a clear map on how to discipline bullies. This plan includes strategies on how to prevent bullying at school. By doing this, it will help the school be more successful in implementing anti-bullying programs.

Disciplinary actions should become stricter when bullying becomes severe. However, implementing zero tolerance as a policy is not useful most of the time. Teachers and students might become fearful in enforcing the rules if the consequence for bullying is school suspension thinking that this is too cruel.

They will not report any minor forms of bullying because of this. The number of children that experience bullying may increase because of it. This scenario is an example that thorough planning should be done to come up with much more efficient anti-bullying programs.

Investigate all reports of Bullying immediately

It is essential that schools should investigate immediately any cases of bullying once reported. This immediate response is one of the most crucial steps in implementing discipline for bullies at school. A significant action to let all of the students knows that the school’s administration is serious about applying the rules. By doing so, this will give the students and their parents assurance and security.

“To prevent youth bullying, prevention efforts must teach children and adolescents individual emotion regulation skills, how to foster peer acceptance and ways to counter any detrimental effects of exposure to violence in their homes and communities,” says Dorothy Espelage, PhD.



Deal with the Bully in Private

Private conversation with the bully is necessary to avoid triggering negative thoughts for him. Disciplinarians should let the bully know that the school is not tolerating any misbehavior at school. They must warn him of his action and explain that his parents may be called to the principal’s office because of it.  It is also essential to make the bully realize the weight of his action. The school should make sure that such attitudes are not disregarded.

“If your child is scared to confront the person who is bullying them, that could be a sign that the behavior is severe. In this case, contact school officials. Meet with your child’s teacher or speak with the principal about the situation,” writes Dr. Michaelis, a clinical psychologist.

Reasonable Consequences should be created

The anti-bullying programs that the school created should have a rational punishments or consequences for the bullies. Suspension from games would be an appropriate punishment for bullies who use their privileges being a varsity to bully others.

“Bullying experts almost universally insist that bullying must not be tolerated. Schools must not let bullies “get away” with their actions and need to punish them,” writes Izzy Kalman, a nationally certified school psychologist.

Onebully will not be allowed to take the bus ride if he bullies a student in the school bus is another example of this punishments. Every situation is different from one another. The bully may cease what he is doing when he realizes that there are punishments to his misbehaviors.



Inform the Bully’s Parents

It is not easy to inform the parents of the bully about the situation of their child. However, it is vital to let the parents know. The school must respectively explain to them that their child is bullying other students at school and asks them to mediate.

Ask their help to talk to their child and to make him realize that his actions are not acceptable. Although there are parents who will be shocked and respond accordingly, there are those who will return the blame to the school and makes many excuses. If this situation happens, stay on the program’s plan. It might make the case harder, but rules should be implemented.

These are some suggestions on how to handle bullies at school. Every anti-bullying program should be consistent. Lastly, every school should be a place where students can learn without being bullied. Parents should also feel secure that their child is in good hands if they are in school.