Do Not Tolerate A Bully

Bullying comes with no age restrictions, and anyone can be a victim. It can cause a lot of damage to the mental, physical, and psychological aspects. Tolerating the habit and letting oneself get hurt can bring complications such as depression, anxiety, and loneliness. This act leads a victim to lose track of his self-esteem that can last up to his adulthood.

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Smart Yet Simple Ways You Can Beat Everyday Stress


Stress is one of those things that affect everyone every day, especially adults. Whether its school, work, or the people we spend time with, we almost always find ourselves stressed about something.  But while stressing out over our lives is now a regular thing, this is still something that we should never ignore.  Stress can affect the way we move, and when it gets worse, it can lead to more severe health problems. This has been discussed in

“Negative stress, or ‘distress,’ is more chronic, hinders optimal functioning, and can be detrimental to your health,” says Aarti Gupta, PsyD.

That is why it is essential to de-stress now and then.  But how can we do that, right? Fortunately, there are simple ways that can make that possible. And I have them right here.

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